Table Side and Occasional

Pair of guéridons by Jean Michel Frank
One of the legendary designer’s most iconic designs, this pair of guéridons by Jean-Michel Frank (1895-1941), have round tops punctuated by hanging rings with an equestrian sensibility supported on a tripod stand, executed by COMTE in painted wrought iron and sheet metal and dating from the early 1940s.
(c.f.: BAC, Jean-Michel Frank in Argentina, New York, 2010, pg. 77; Mo Amelia Teitelbaum, The Stylemakers, London, 2010, pgs. 206, 237; Pierre-Emmanuel Martin-Vivier, Jean-Michel Frank, New York, 2008, pgs. 149,162, 216; Léopold Diego Sanchez, Jean-Michel Frank: Adolphe Channaux, Paris, 1997, pg. 208)
Jean Michel Frank,
early 1940s
H 27.5 in. (70 cm)
D 15 in. (38 cm)